Harbor Family Orthodontics

Learn to Clean Invisalign Using Cleaning Crystals

Have you ever wondered how to clean Invisalign? Sure, it’s not your teeth, but it still needs a little attention now and then. Learn how to clean Invisalign using cleaning crystals and other techniques.

Cleaning Invisalign requires a different procedure than cleaning teeth. You can’t just brush them like you would your own teeth—they need special care to ensure that they don’t get damaged or cause problems for the person wearing them.

But don’t worry! We’re going to walk you through everything you need to know about cleaning Invisalign so that you have a healthy smile that lasts for years to come.


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The Most Effective Ways to Clean Invisalign

Invisalign helps straighten your teeth without the use of metal braces (1). They are made from a clear plastic material that are easily cleaned with a toothbrush and toothpaste. To ensure that you get the best results from your Invisalign treatment, it’s important to keep them clean throughout the process (2).

The most effective ways to clean Invisalign:

 Make Use of Cleaning Crystals

Make use of cleaning crystals specifically formulated for Invisalign trays and purchased either online or from a local pharmacy. Also, they function similarly to denture cleaners in that they dissolve when exposed to water. Most importantly, they clean and sanitize your tray in a risk-free manner.

Brush Your Aligners Twice Per Day

You should try to brush your aligners with a toothbrush and antibacterial soap at least twice per day. This helps keep bacteria from building up on your aligners which prevents bad breath.

Clean your teeth and Invisalign trays each morning

Try to get into a morning practice of brushing your teeth and rinsing your trays . This prevents bacteria from growing on the trays while you sleep. Finally, you must carry out this routine every single night before going to bed.

Keep your aligners covered

Do not, under any circumstances, place your Invisalign any place other than the case. Bacteria has a tendency to build up if left outside the case and while also increasing the risk of losing your aligners. 

When not in use, keep them safely stored in a case!

If you find yourself without your case and without a way to store your aligners, make sure to give them a thorough cleaning before re-using them.

Keep your aligners clean by soaking them every day

At least once a day, immerse your aligners in denture cleanser or Invisalign cleaning crystals to keep them fresh and smelling wonderful. After soaking, use a separate toothbrush (not the one you use for your teeth) to remove any stubborn debris, such as food or plaque. Finally, you may put them back in your mouth after a quick rinse.

Take Precautions When Handling Stains

Sometimes, even with meticulous maintenance, your aligners may develop a haze or acquire a stain. Try not to use anything too abrasive to get rid of the stains.

A solution of equal parts warm water and hydrogen peroxide will safely eliminate cloudiness. After letting the aligners sit in the solution for an hour or so, clean them thoroughly.

To remove stains, you can wet a toothbrush and then dip it into a mixture of baking soda and water. Use a soft toothbrush to gently scrub the discolored areas. The trays are also soaked in a solution of half water and half vinegar to remove stubborn stains.

Things You Should Not Do While Taking Care of Your Invisalign

Few things you should not do while taking care of your Invisalign:

  • Do not use abrasive cleansers such as scented soaps or mouthwash on your trays. Abrasive cleansers scratch the tray and cause damage to the aligners (3).
  • Do not use a metal brush, floss, or toothpick on your aligners as these may scratch them and cause damage to the aligner and teeth.
  • Don’t use hot water to clean your aligners. The plastic used in the aligners are easily damaged by heat, so don’t put them in the dishwasher or boil them to sterilize them. If you’re worried about germs, use warm water and mild soap instead.
  • Don’t scrub too hard when cleaning your aligners. The plastic used in the aligner isn’t as strong as metal braces. Use a soft toothbrush and firm pressure when brushing.
  • Avoid using any colored or scented cleaners. Colored soaps sometimes discolor Invisalign or clear aligners, giving the appearance of stained teeth. In certain cases, the residue left behind by scented soaps might give the serving trays an unpleasant flavor.
  • Aligners and mouthwash do not mix! Many varieties of mouthwash have dyes that can leave permanent marks on the plastic. Additionally, they may include abrasive chemicals.
  • Even though you can keep your aligners in while drinking water, you should remove them before eating or drinking anything but water. Other beverages may leave stains on the trays.
  • Have the case with you at all times so that you can quickly remove the aligners whenever necessary, such as when you sit down to eat or drink. Put the aligners back in the case at that time to keep them safe. Leaving them out increases the risk of their picking up bacteria, dirt, and other material that you wouldn’t want to ingest.


If you want to keep your Invisalign in good shape and prevent any damage, it’s important to follow these above tips. You should take care of your teeth and gums as you would normally, but make sure to not accidentally scratch or damage the trays.

Talk to your dentist about options if you’re having trouble maintaining a clean aligner. They will provide alternative solutions tailored to the particular dental needs that will assist you in maintaining a clean mouth and aligners.ma

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