Harbor Family Orthodontics

Facts About Invisalign Attachments That You Need to Know

Invisalign can provide amazing results with the benefit of convenience. However, what you may not know is that Invisalign attachments help control teeth movements that aligners alone cannot achieve.

In short, attachments apply additional force to help focus the patient’s treatment plan while better controlling teeth movement.


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What Are Invisalign Attachments?

Invisalign is a great option for adults and teens who want the benefits of clear braces while not suffering from a mouthful of metal in their orthodontic treatment (1).

Invisalign is a series of clear aligners that are custom made for each patient. Additionally, they are comfortable to wear, easy to remove and replace, and nearly invisible when worn.

Attachments for Invisalign are quite popular, even though many people are unaware of their existence. Subsequently, they allow Invisalign to treat a wider variety of patients. For certain patients, the force generated by the aligner trays alone is inadequate to achieve the desired orthodontic results. Therefore, your orthodontist will bind a little piece of composite filling material to the center of your tooth to secure your Invisalign appliance.

These bumps serve as an anchor point for your aligners, which enables them to exert a greater amount of orthodontic stress on individual teeth. Attachments are especially helpful in cases that require extrusion, rotation, or intrusion.

8 Things About Invisalign Attachments That You Need to Know

8 Things About Invisalign Attachments That You Need To Know

Invisalign and other clear aligners help straighten your teeth. In addition, aligners are removable, which means you can take them out to eat and drink. Sometimes patients need extra attachments to align teeth properly.

1. Very small attachments

The attachments are little dental components made of composite filling material that are tooth-colored and attach to certain teeth. Furthermore, since attachments provide a firm grip for the Invisalign aligners, they are highly efficient in shifting teeth (2).

2. They do not hurt

The Invisalign attachments are completely painless. Your orthodontist will use a dental adhesive glue that is both safe and non-toxic to attach your attachments for the duration of your treatment. Subsequently, the adhesive is polished away without damaging your teeth at the end of the treatment.

Finally, they cause no discomfort when being put on or removed. You may have some initial pain while your mouth adjusts to the aligners and the attachments, but this should only last a day or two.

3. More people can benefit from Invisalign thanks to the attachments

Invisalign is a fantastic alternative to traditional metal braces because it doesn’t require as much maintenance and is less visible than traditional braces. However, if you have more complicated dental needs, Invisalign treatment needs attachments.

First, attachments are small composite pieces that are attached to teeth to correct any misalignment or improper positioning that may still exist after using the aligners alone. Moreover, they make it possible for the dentist to correct even the most severe cases of misaligned teeth when Invisalign alone is insufficient (3).

4. Not visible

Anxiety is common among patients when first receiving attachments as they worry about the visibility of the attachments. Nothing could be further from the truth, as they are virtually invisible.

5. Not necessary for every tooth

Stop stressing over the prospect of needing an attachment for each of your teeth. Also, if you are a candidate for Invisalign, you will not have to apply force to each tooth. Finally, although your orthodontist will decide where to place the bumps, most patients just require them on a few teeth.

6. Not every patient requires attachments

Invisalign is an alternative to braces, and used to treat a wide range of alignment issues. The customized alignment trays are unique for each patient, based on their unique dental structure and needs 

Although attachments increase the number of patients who can benefit from Invisalign, they are not required for all Invisalign procedures. Therefore, there is no need to worry if your orthodontist suggests additional attachments to finish your Invisalign treatment. Just take the one more step to improve the appearance of your smile.

7. Easy to clean

Swishing water easily cleans and washes food stuck on attachments. After each meal, you must purge the attachments and your teeth before replacing your aligners.

8. Quick and easy process

Bonding attachments to teeth at the orthodontist is a quick and easy procedure. First, your orthodontist will begin by filling custom trays with the composite that will allow for precise placing of the attachment to your tooth. Finally, the orthodontist will bond the attachment to the teeth while ensuring a secure fit.


Keep in mind that Invisalign is virtually invisible, even with attachments. Moreover, attachments do not cost extra.  Therefore, attachments help patients achieve a more successful and quicker orthodontic treatment.

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